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Forum Posts

Jul 29, 2018
In VBA Forum
Hi there- In VBA for excel selecting a range can be done in many different ways. Like if you want to select a cell a1 then the code is Range("a1").select. If you want to select a group of cells like say cells starting from a1 to a10 then the code would be Range("a1","a10").select. Although this can also be written as Range("a1:a10").select. Now this was for a continuous range of data but if you want non continuous range to select then we can use something like this Range("a1,a3,a10,c10").select. Finally if you like to select the entire sheet cells then the syntax you can use is Well if you guys know you can contribute the code to select a row, column, multiple rows, multiple column and so on...
Jul 29, 2018
In Excel Forum
Though there are many shortcuts in excel but I would like to start a discussion to see which do you all consider as the most useful shortcuts in excel. To start with I use Ctrl+C and ALT+E+S+V a lot may be like 100 times a day for doing analysis or making reports. Also the shortcut to filter which Alt+D+F+F is also a major one which I use a lot; the same can be used to remove filter. Alright so now let's see what all you guys use a lot.


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